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Porto Koufo, Halkidiki
Phone : 2375051270





Our story starts back in 1912 at Ildir of minor Asia where our great grandfather used to be a fischerman until he was forced to leave his
fortune there and came back to Greece to find a place to live with his family. His journey ended here as he chose Porto Koufo to live,
becoming the first inhabitant of it. That’s how our legacy started since he builded here the first restaurant continuing being a fisherman at
the same time.
At nower days we continue this legacy, being the fourth generation in a
row, since we created “Tzitzikas” at 2011. Since then we strive to give great service and special way to prepare our dishes with great
attention, love and passion. To achieve that, we are using the best and the most fresh local products and raw materials that land and sea of
Halkidiki are offering generously.
Let “Tzitzikas” treat you to an experience that will leave you on top of the world!